Seminario di Yanan Qian, Ph.D student - 10 novembre 2023 ore 14.30 Aula Lucchesi

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Venerdì 10 novembre 2023, dalle ore 14.30 alle ore 15.30 presso l'aula Lucchesi, si terrà il seminario di Yanan Quian, Ph.D student, dal titolo: "Impact assessment of environmental stressors on the stability of rock cliffs by acoustic sensing".


Seasonal variations in natural environmental stressors through perturbations at microscopic levels may prepare to hazardous events both on slopes and underground contexts, potentially resulting in serious casualties and economic losses. Hence, through this seminar for microscopic health monitoring of unstable rock volume of AcutoField Lab, Italy, a methodology will be communicated for a high resolution detection, characterization of acoustic emission and their correlation with environmental stressors.



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